Corporate social
In line with the principles of its own Code of professional Ethics, in 2017 Smalticeram implemented its own Organisational Management and Control Model, in accordance with Legislative Decree 2001/231.
In line with the principles of its own Code of professional Ethics, in 2017 Smalticeram implemented its own Organisational Management and Control Model, in accordance with Legislative Decree 2001/231.
The aforesaid Organisational Model aims at setting up a coherent framework which, by defining protocols “fit for preventing crimes”, shall separate, as provided for by law, the liability for administrative offenses of a company from the responsibility arising out of crimes committed by people in top position or “Top management” and those subject to management by others, in cases where no rebuke shall be delivered to a company, having the latter implemented what it could and should do.
The Model materializes de facto in an well-structured pyramidal system of principles and procedures that highlights and enhances some general principles such as transparency, correctness and loyalty on which the Smalticeram Unicer S.p.A. corporate system was based and is still based in relation to the performance and running of its business activity. Precisely because of this, the Company has actively participated in the drafting of the Model, considering it a real instrument of corporate social responsibility, in its broadest meaning, a point of reference from which a multiplicity of subjects (stakeholders) may benefit, whose interests are linked to the existence of Smalticeram Unicer SpA.